Part 2: Advanced Dispersion Modeling

The second part of the webinar will cover the current modeling landscape.  This will include the new requirements from the updated Guideline on Air Quality Models (Appendix W).  Case studies will be presented to showcase available tools that can be used to overcome AERMOD's limitations.  Emphasis will be given to methods that have been used and accepted by regulatory agencies.

Join us in the journey back to compliance.

Webinar Information
Date Presented:
February 22, 2017 1:00 PM Eastern
1 hour, 30 minutes
Member Price:
Full Price:
Part 2: Advanced Dispersion Modeling
Speaker Information
Sergio Guerra Ph.D.   [ view bio ]
Ron Peterson Ph.D., CM, FASHRAE   [ view bio ]
Jeff Reifschneider Business Development   [ view bio ]
Individual topic purchase: Selected
AWMA Member Price:$149.00
Non-Member Price:$149.00