OZONE 101: Understand the sources, formation, and health and ecosystem effects

This webinar would be useful for young professionals and staff, as well as redirected older personnel, and anyone interested in atmospheric ozone. We will provide basic information on ozone formation mechanisms; briefly discuss health and ecosystem effects; discuss the global budget and sources of regional and urban ozone; and describe recent success in reducing human exposure in the United States. In addition, we will discuss controllable and uncontrollable ozone in the US with case studies from the Nevada Rural Ozone Initiative and Mt Bachelor, Oregon. These show how monitoring at high elevation has important implications for other pollution inputs to the United States, such as mercury and lead. Lastly, a discussion will be provided of the O3 NAAQS, design values, designations, and exceptional events.

Webinar Information
Date Presented:
October 27, 2015 1:00 PM Eastern
1 hour, 30 minutes
Member Price:
Full Price:
OZONE 101: Understand the sources, formation, and health and
Speaker Information
Dan Jaffe   [ view bio ]
Tom Moore   [ view bio ]
Mae Sexauer Gustin   [ view bio ]
Genine Wright   [ view bio ]
Individual topic purchase: Selected
Member: $99.00
Full Price: $149.00