Behind the Invisible Curtain at the U.S. EPA Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC): What CASAC Does and How
Would you like to know more about the scientific basis for USEPA air regulations, and especially where they are heading and how YOU can provide input?  How are the U.S. National Ambient Air Quality Standards developed for criteria pollutants, which include ozone, particulate matter, oxides of nitrogen, oxides of sulfur, carbon monoxide, and lead?  How is CASAC constituted and how does it operate?  What are recent outcomes of CASAC review activities?  What is on the current review agenda?  What are some of the key science issues confronting CASAC?  

Join us for this special webinar with Dr. Christopher Frey of CASAC moderated by Dr. Holly Stallworth of the US EPA Science Advisory Board, Designated Federal Official for CASAC.

This webinar will focus on:

  • The legally-mandated role for CASAC in advising the Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regarding the National Ambient Air Quality Standards
  • How CASAC works
  • Scope of what CASAC does
  • Role for science-based public commenting
  • CASAC and Current Events:  Mississippi vs. EPA court case, Inspector General report
  • Broad Science-Based Issues:
                - Multipollutant air quality management
                -Criteria pollutants
                -Thresholds and background
                -Climate change and air quality
                -Emerging issues

Webinar Information
Webinar Date:
January 08, 2014
CASAC (Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee)-
Speaker Information
Dr. H. Christopher Frey   [ view bio ]
Holly Stallworth   [ view bio ]
Individual topic purchase: Selected
AWMA Member Price:$99.00
Non-Member Price:$149.00