Understanding and Regulating the Risks from Air Toxics

Air toxics are those pollutants that are known or suspected to cause cancer or other serious health effects. Since the 1990 Clean Air Act (CAA), there have been significant reductions in air toxics emissions and improvements in public health protection. The webinar will provide the latest information on air toxics risk-based programs.


This webinar will begin with an EPA representative’s overview of national Air Toxics Screen Assessment (AirToxScreen) that helps to identity pollutants, emission sources and places for further studies to better understand any possible risks to public health from air toxics. A brief overview of EPA’s proposal to amend the Air Emissions Reporting Rule will also be presented.  Following EPA’s presentation, state representatives from MI and OR will present their respective state air toxics risk-based programs that include why they regulate air toxics, basis for the air toxics rules, how to implement air toxics programs, and lessons learned from their practices.



Webinar Information
Date Presented:
August 29, 2023 1:00 PM Eastern
1 hour, 30 minutes
Member Price:
Full Price:
Understanding and Regulating the Risks from Air Toxics
Speaker Information
Stephanie Bolyard, Senior Engineer to the Assistant Secretary,  [ view bio ]
Art Diem, Technical Staff,  [ view bio ]
J.R. Giska, Cleaner Air Oregon Program Engineer,   [ view bio ]
Brian Hughes, Toxicology Manager,   [ view bio ]
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